Stay up to date with the latest news and updates from Save Capel

Please keep up to date with our latest news shown below. Save Capel are also very active in the press – take a look at our recent press coverage.

Local elections 2nd May 2024 – have your say

Local elections 2nd May 2024 – have your say

Dear Supporters Following the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review of the number of councillors, wards and ward names for Tunbridge Wells, from May 2024: the number of wards will reduce from 20 to 14 the number of councillors will reduce...

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Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

Dear Members, I hope this update on the AGM finds you well and you have had a good start to 2024. We are currently required to hold an AGM this month (March 2024) at which members can attend and vote on important matters. At a recent meeting of the Save Capel...

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The consultation is over – oh no it isn’t

The consultation is over – oh no it isn’t

The consultation is over - oh no it isn't! The panto season seems to last all year round at TWBC!At midnight on Monday, 26th February 2024 the latest Consultation on TWBC’s Local Plan closed. However, as this newsletter was being drafted, we were advised by the...

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Four ways you can help us Save Capel

Sign our petition to show the strength of resistance to the plans for Capel

Pledge your financial support to help fund the most critical stage of our campaign

Make a donation to support the costs of saving Capel

Become a member and have your say in our campaign

The local elections

The local elections

Dear Supporters You will have seen that the Conservatives have lost control of more than 40 councils, where more than 1,000 Tory seats have changed hands. They now only have a majority in two councils, Sevenoaks and Dartford, across the whole of Kent. In this edition...

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Local elections May 4th…

Local elections May 4th…

Dear Supporters Is the local plan turning into Calverley Park 2.0? There are echoes of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) spending precious funds unnecessarily on yet another bad idea. Having already spent £1.27m on advisors for the Local Plan prior to the...

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And there’s more…

And there’s more…

Dear Members It was great to see so many of you at last week’s AGM, which was certainly an eventful one! Since then, your new Executive has met and re-appointed me as Chairman, and Ian Pattenden as Vice-Chair & Secretary. This ensures good continuity for the...

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Oh what a night!

Oh what a night!

An eventful AGM... Dear Supporters On Monday evening, 20th March, Save Capel held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Capel Village Hall, Five Oak Green. It was a very well-attended meeting with around 70 people present, with a very interesting agenda and...

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Join us to discuss the next steps…

Join us to discuss the next steps…

Dear Supporters, For those of you who sometimes think Annual General Meetings can be a little dull, you will not want to miss this one! TWBC have confirmed at this week’s full council meeting that they are continuing to gather evidence to support Tudeley Village,...

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The Council’s Reply

The Council’s Reply

Dear Supporters, We would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas, 2022, our fourth during our fight to save our historic landscape from the threats of the Tunbridge Wells local plan. Members of your Executive met with the new Head of Planning (Carlos Hone) this week...

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Is TWBC in denial? The Local Plan interviews…

Is TWBC in denial? The Local Plan interviews…

Dear Supporters, TWBC has released an initial statement in response to the Inspector’s findings, saying “The Council will consider all of the points raised by the inspector before making decision on how to progress the Plan to adoption”. Save Capel wrote to the...

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The Inspector’s Report Is In!

The Inspector’s Report Is In!

The summit is in sight... ...but we still need to climb the final ascent to plant the flag in it!!  Dear Supporters Last night the Examining Inspector Mr Birkinshaw published his Initial Findings on the Examination of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Local Plan. You...

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Tired of Waiting??!!

Tired of Waiting??!!

Dear Supporters, Our apologies for the radio silence since the Local Plan Examination Hearings concluded in mid-July. The only reason is that we have had no significant news to share with you. At the end of the Hearings the Inspector indicated that his initial...

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AGM 2022 – Update for members

AGM 2022 – Update for members

Dear Members, I hope this update on the AGM finds you well and you have enjoyed the Summer. We are currently required to hold an AGM in September at which members can attend and vote on important matters. At a recent meeting of the Save Capel Executive it was proposed...

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Archive newsletters

Newsletter 11 – 30/07/20

Newsletter 10 – 19/05/20

Newsletter 9 – 20/03/20

Newsletter 8 – 20/11/19

Newsletter 7 – 22/10/19

Newsletter 6 – 22/09/19

Newsletter 5 – 15/08/19

Newsletter 4– 10/08/19

Newsletter 3 – 06/08/19

Newsletter 2 – 27/07/19

Newsletter 1 – 09/07/19