The fight to save our beautiful parish of Capel has moved on over the past several months through the Government Inspection stage, an interim report and various responses from both TWBC and the Inspector Mr Birkinshaw, however the task is far from complete. The next phase, which will be executed over the coming months and set out by TWBC, is for them to gather more evidence in hope of supporting their original plan as issued. This is one of the options set out by Mr Birkinshaw in his interim report (albeit not his recommendation) to provide more solid and compelling evidence to make their plan sound in respect of the inclusion of Tudeley Garden Village and East Capel (Paddock Wood).

Current indications are therefore that this Local Plan approval process will continue throughout the coming year and will again include forensic examination of additional documents and evidence along with public hearings. It is almost 4 years since we started this campaign and to continue with this fight, we will again need to engage the services of our legal and professional teams, who have supported us so well up to this critical stage. Regrettably this support comes at a high cost, however we wish to point out that so far monies have been used prudently for the best results and our teams have generously contributed to our efforts with their time and fees.

For us to gauge the possible size of our financial “war chest” going forward, we are looking to all supporters, who feel they can, to pledge donations. In simple terms this is a way for supporters to pledge financial support in an equitable way but only if and when the campaign really needs it.

The scheme applies to those who wish to pledge any amount of £500 or more, is managed by the Save Capel Executive in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and operates as follows:-

  1. You advise Save Capel, in confidence, the amount you would like to pledge by completing this form. Pledges will expire on 31st December 2023.
  2. To secure a pledge, an immediate contribution of 20% of the sum pledged should be paid as a donation (see below) and this will be deducted from your pledge balance. Funds are needed now, and we can only commit to paying for our obligations, under charity rules, from funds received.
  3. At this stage no further money is physically transferred but all the pledges will be recorded, in confidence, in the Save Capel funding plan.
  4. If/when the time comes that we need additional funding beyond that raised more conventionally, the same percentage of each pledge from all participants of the scheme will be requested. A two-week notice period would be given in writing indicating the amount being requested. Donations made will be deducted from your pledge balance.
  5. If exceptional circumstances arise which jeopardise your commitment to this scheme, we respectfully request you to advise Save Capel at the earliest convenience.

The system is set up with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.

Donations and Gift Aid

All donations are made to Capel Greenbelt Protection Society (CGPS) who manage the funds on our behalf and can be made by banking app or debit/credit card.

If you are an individual taxpayer you can add gift aid on both payment methods which adds 25% to our funds. This applies when all donations are received (not pledges). In addition, you can also claim tax relief on the sum donated. For example, if you are a higher rate taxpayer the net cost to you for a £1,000 donation is £750 and Save Capel gets £1,250. If you have any questions please contact your financial advisor or email us at

The Save Capel Executive truly value the support from the community which has kept us motivated to continue the fight against this grotesque plan. This last but vital stage of the Local Plan approval process must be challenged vigorously. We trust you will support this initiative – it is “now or never” time and should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Save Capel Executive at


To make your pledge, please complete the form below or download the printable form linked above and return via email to or by post to Save Capel, ℅ CGPS, 3 Bank Farm Cottages, Sherenden Road, Tudeley, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0PB.

Once completed, secure your pledge by donating 20% of your pledge amount online, using the buttons below or by returning a cheque along with your printed form to the address above. Cheques to be made payable to Capel Greenbelt Protection Society. If paying by cheque please request a Gift Aid form.


BANK TRANSFER – you can make a direct payment via your online/mobile banking app which has a zero transaction fee, so all of your donation goes to the campaign.
CARD PAYMENTS – we are now using Kindlink to process your donations via credit/debit card, with a transaction fee of around 2% charged to the campaign.