Become a member of Save Capel and have your say in the structure of the campaign and the way in which it is managed in the future.

Members will be invited to annual meetings to elect an Executive (formerly the Steering Group). Members will also be consulted on aspects of governance such as the adoption of a Constitution.
To support the election process, and the revised constitution for the campaign, we are asking interested members of the community to become ‘members’ of Save Capel. Membership requires no specific activity or responsibility, does not incur a cost, and supporters from outside the Parish are also welcome to join. It will, however, be a requirement of anyone who wishes to stand or vote in the elections. This will enable us to ensure a fair election is held to appoint the executive, now and in the future.
To become a ‘Save Capel’ member, all that you need to do is complete the form below.
Please note that previously signing petitions or requests for inclusion on email lists does not count as membership, nor does a position in any of the working parties or campaign teams; you will still need to become a member.
We would be grateful if you could check whether neighbours, friends and colleagues with an interest in Save Capel also wish to request membership, and pass them details of how to apply if they have not.
While online applications for membership are preferred, a paper-based application form, for those without online access can be downloaded by following this link. Details will also be published in the Parish newsletter and on the parish’s noticeboards.
Further details of the election process, the roles and responsibilities of Executive members and the forthcoming AGM will be shared shortly. In the meantime, thank you for your continued support.