Ahead of the Planning and Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board meeting on January 11th, Save Capel has written to the 11 members of the board urging them not to recommend the draft Pre Submission Local Plan to Cabinet.
This is the first of three councillor meetings where the plans need to be approved. The next, on January 21st is the Cabinet and the final one is Full Council on February 3rd.
If the document is signed off at all three stages, with the exception of minor amendments allowed by the Head of Planning, Stephen Baughen, this is the version of the plan which will be issued for Regulation 19 consultation in March/April and subsequently sent to the Planning Inspector for their sign off.
The letter, which you can view by clicking the image below, reiterated the overwhelming rejection of the plans at Regulation 18, and ultimately pressed for a delay to allow full consideration of the plans presented for an alternative at Castle Hill and to ensure a fair and reasonable consultation could be carried out that was not disadvantaged by restrictions relating to the coronavirus pandemic.