Progress update – where are we in the process?
We thought you would appreciate an update on what is happening since the Regulation 19 Consultations closed in June.
The slide below shows where the process goes next. TWBC are now reviewing the submissions organisations, such as Save Capel, and individuals, like many of you, have made. If they believe their Plan is still sound and that the feedback only requires them to make minor modifications, they can submit it for Inspection.
They may however decide that some of the issues raised in the submissions are substantial enough to require more time to address them before going to Inspection. If that results in ‘main modifications’ to the Plan, then a further period of public consultation would be necessary. There is no time limit for this part of the process; TWBC will determine when to submit the Local Plan (although it is scheduled for this month, July).
Once TWBC has decided to submit the Plan, the Government will appoint one or two Inspectors to review all the documentation, including the Regulation 19 submissions, and then identify the ‘Matters, Issues and Questions’ (MIQs) that they wish to investigate further. These will be published and anyone who made a representation at Regulation 19 will be able to make a further representation, ahead of the next stage – the Examination in Public (EIP).
Usually, this is done by them conducting public hearings (similar to court cases), involving by invitation those people who submitted a Regulation 19 representation and stated that they wanted to participate. These hearings take place over several days and will inform the Inspector’s decision as to whether the Plan is sound and legally compliant, or not. If they decide it is then the Council will adopt the Plan and begin the detailed implementation of it. If on the other hand the Inspector(s) are not satisfied as to the soundness of the Plan they could ask TWBC to withdraw it, or to make Main Modifications to address their concerns which would involve further public consultation.
Some other Councils have been in this part of the process for over three years, although TWBC expects to adopt the Local Plan next summer.
The focus for the next few weeks
Until TWBC decide whether to submit the Plan as it is or not, we are only able to analyse the Regulation 19 responses made and continue to raise public awareness through press and publicity campaigns. TWBC is required to summarise the main issues raised and publish this with the Plan submission. So, that means the focus of the campaign needs to change over the coming weeks.
We will need to keep alert to what TWBC are doing, and carefully consider the Key Feedback Issues and respond accordingly. Inevitably this will require significantly more professional advice, and thereby costs will need to be incurred.
Whilst we do have some money in the coffers, kindly held by the charity the Capel Greenbelt Protection Society (CGPS), our focus will need to turn to fundraising.
The Executive is putting together a plan of fundraising events for the months up to the end of the year. We sincerely hope that the relaxation of Covid rules can continue to allow us to engage with you all physically through events and to experience the community spirit in person.
New Council Leader for Tonbridge & Malling – Matt Boughton
After nine years, in what must have been a very demanding role, Nicolas Heslop has decided to stand down as Leader of Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council. The Save Capel Executive extend our congratulations to his successor Matt Boughton.
A number of TMBC Councillors have significant concerns about the TWBC Local Plan, and especially its potential impact on Tonbridge, Hadlow, Golden Green and East Peckham, including both Nicolas and Matt. The Save Capel Executive looks forward to continuing to engage with TMBC as we continue our campaign.
Recent Flooding Events
Everyone will no doubt be aware of the biblical flooding issues which have devastated Northern Europe and the recent flooding experienced more locally,
Flooding risk is a critical issue in planning which has been highlighted in our recent response to the Reg19 consultation and was supported by an excellent and comprehensive flooding risk report generated by the flood team in 2019, we therefore thank the team again for their valued work. The team members were Colin Leake, Peter Miller, Alan Chilvers, Stewart Gledhill, Geoff Croker, Megan Forster, Alaric Smith, with earlier contributions from Trevor Sawyer, Tim Sanderson and Dave Cobell.
In March, this year we had to postpone our AGM due to Covid restrictions. We indicated that we would hold the AGM within six months of the March date, and we are now planning to hold it on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021. We are planning this as a physical meeting, subject to Covid regulations, and more details will follow soon.
One of the key items on the agenda will be the Election of the Save Capel Executive. Our Constitution allows us to have up to seven members, we currently have five who have been working extremely hard through this year. We would welcome members to put themselves forward to join the Executive, whilst it can be hard work it is good fun and extremely rewarding knowing we are working on behalf of the community. It is of course entirely voluntary.
So, if you are a Member, and would like to put yourselves forward or just find out more, please contact a member of the current Executive via before 31st August.
Have your say
Could we remind Supporters that only Members can stand for the Executive, and vote at the AGM. You can move from being a Supporter to a Member here and it costs nothing.
We look forward to seeing many of you on September 15th, more details to follow.
Thanks as ever for your support and we look forward to being able to see people face to face!
On behalf of the Save Capel Executive
Stewart Gledhill, Ian Pattenden, Maggie Fenton, Jan Mueller and Charlie Keeling