On February 18 Save Capel wrote to Stephen Baughen, Head Head of Planning Services at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. In the letter, we posed questions relating to the Regulation 18 process and any potential delay to the Regulation 19 timetable.
We also called for clarity regarding the call for sites relating to the plan and asked how the recent flooding in the area was being addressed in the plan. We also offered Mr Baughan the opportunity to address our AGM, either in person or by way of a written statement. A copy of our letter can be read by following this link:
Mr Baughen replied on February 21 and included a statement which was read to the members present at our AGM on March 9. Mr Baughen’s letter can be read by clicking the image below:
Mr Baughen’s letter did not rule out a delay to the start of the Regulation 19 process, citing the work required to review all the submissions to Regulation 18. The letter also highlighted a link to an interactive map which shows sites that have been submitted for consideration as part of the Draft Local Plan. Interestingly this new website includes recent submissions and categorises sites based on when they were submitted.
That map can be accessed here