Annual General Meeting 2024

Mar 9, 2024

Dear Members,

I hope this update on the AGM finds you well and you have had a good start to 2024.

We are currently required to hold an AGM this month (March 2024) at which members can attend and vote on important matters. At a recent meeting of the Save Capel Executive it was proposed to postpone the AGM until later in the year (latest September 2024). The main reasons behind this are:

  • You will have heard that the consultation on the revised local plan has been extended until 12th April 2024. This means the consideration by Matthew Birkinshaw, the Government-appointed Inspector, will not resume for a month or two. You can read the latest news on the examination here.

  • Any hearings would therefore not take place until early summer, at the earliest. At this stage, it is unclear what the final proposals for development in Capel will be. Save Capel has submitted our latest response which you can read here.

  • Until we have a clearer picture from the Inspector, we cannot determine what the future focus of Save Capel will need to be.

As we are approaching five years since the campaign started, this next AGM will be a very important opportunity for members to determine our way forward. A consequence of the latest TWBC proposals, which include the deletion of TGV and downsizing at East Capel, is the need for an ‘immediate review’ which would likely involve a further ‘call for sites’ next year. This may well involve potential housing development in Capel. In summary, there are a lot of uncertainties but hopefully things will be clearer when we do meet for the AGM.

We believe that is the most appropriate way forward and hope you agree, but if anyone has any serious and relevant objections to postponing the AGM please let me know as soon as possible.

Many thanks for your understanding.

With best wishes,

Stewart Gledhill

Chairman, Save Capel

On behalf of the Executive

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As ever, the Save Capel Executive would like to thank you all for your continuing support. If anyone is interested in contributing more to the campaign please contact us via email to

Stewart, Ian, Dave, Maggie, Charlie, Jan, Mark, and Chris

Your donation could make the difference. Please help us Save Capel

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