A final chance to have our say?

Sep 16, 2024


Following the hearings in the summer, TWBC have now responded to the Inspector’s requirement that further evidence is needed before he can continue the examination of the local plan. This requires a six-week public consultation (similar to Reg19) which is now running via the link here.

The Council will then consolidate the responses received, summarise their own response to those,  and submit everything (in full) to the Inspector for his consideration prior to a further public hearing scheduled for 14th November 2024, with a reserve day on the 15th should he deem that necessary.

In summary, this is about the new evidence to support the proposed revised plan discussed earlier this year. It does NOT re-introduce Tudeley Village into this plan but does have commentary about TGV, which you may wish to consider and respond to, and covers the following:

  • Updated Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation needs, following changes in legislation
  • Clarification of Education provision, especially secondary schools
  • Flooding and Flood Risk, further evidence to support the plan for East Capel
  • Further Highways evidence, including Modelling and Mitigation
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
  • Viability assessments
  • Updated 5-year Housing Needs and Supply positions
  • Revised policy – Paddock Wood and Land at East Capel (STR/SS 1)
  • Revised policy wording – The Development Strategy (STR1) which includes the commentary on TGV referred to above
  • Other Allocations –  evidence from KCC for sites at Hawkhurst & Hawkenbury

As you can see, there is a lot to wade through and consider. Questions remain as to why all this has not been provided over the past three years of the examination. But we must follow the Inspector’s directions and we will respond.

How to respond…

The Save Capel Executive (SCE), working with our Legal and other Professional Advisors, are trawling through the documentation to prepare our response on behalf of the campaign.

This is an open consultation and everyone can participate, as in the previous Regulation 18 and Regulation 19 ones. However, the Inspector is seeking comments on the adequacy of the new evidence and the revisions to the policies listed above. It is therefore NOT appropriate to merely restate general objections that have already been considered.

Everyone can participate by post, online, or via email by following this link here, where there is a drop down list of the documents. The Council would like everyone to respond via their online portal here, so that they can more easily consolidate the responses, but this can be technologically challenging and rather cumbersome. If you prefer to send via email you can download the representation form and reply to localplan@tunbridgewells.gov.uk.

Failing that, the Council will usually accept open text provided comments are made under headings of the relevant document(s) and we suggest you send a PDF format document. Whichever method you choose, you will still need to read the evidence on the online portal for the relevant documents you wish to comment on and it is useful to show some understanding of the issues, as these are not so easily dismissed. But whatever you say, sending in comments shows the strength of feeling still exists… and please keep it clean!

Don’t forget to submit your response by midnight on

Wednesday, 23rd October 2024

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And so…

In many ways the Save Capel campaign has been a fabulous success thanks to your support and generosity. We will keep you updated as this crucial stage progresses.

Participation at any hearings is determined by the Inspector. Save Capel will seek to be represented as we have throughout the examination. If you also wish to speak you must submit a representation to the consultation and include your request to attend.

We will pursue this Consultation with our usual vigour and try to ensure that whatever development is planned for Capel Parish, and there may have to be some, is as sensible and sustainable as possible. If you are struggling with your response or have any questions please get in touch.

As ever, the Save Capel Executive would like to thank you all for your continuing support. We’d love to hear your feedback on this via email to savecapel@gmail.com


Stewart, Ian, Maggie, Charlie, Jan, Mark, and Chris

Your donation could make the difference. Please help us Save Capel

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