There has been widespread concern about the recent flooding in Kent and, indeed, the Parish of Capel and other local areas. To highlight the problems one of our Save Capel team - Jackie Cobell – has recently taken a swim along the flooded Hartlake Road, which is one the edge of the proposed new Tudeley town. Please watch the amazing video at
This is not something we would recommend that anyone tries; however, Jackie is a regular and highly experienced open water swimmer who swam the Channel in 2010.
Jackie is a Capel resident. She wanted to draw attention to the flooding issues that are already a huge concern across the parish and the surrounding areas. Adding many thousands more houses – many on floodplain – will only exacerbate a problem that is already out of control, and will put many more existing homes in danger of flooding in the local area and neighbouring boroughs.
Jackie is also a talented artist. Her love of Capel inspired her to paint a mural showing her favourite places around this greenbelt Parish, with its abundance of wildlife and beautiful landscape.
Dave Lovell
Save Capel Ecology Team
Addendum: Here’s a Kent Online article… hot off the press!